
A good romantic book.

Defying the Odds - Kele Moon

This book is all about romance. I loved the story and writing. It's cute , romantic, pleasing, lovely and all those other things romantic. I liked that the H was sweet and protective. I liked the h because she was resilient without being whiny. Good lovable side characters. 

On the who,e I liked the simplicity of the romance and love between the H & h . Not much drama or angst. What little angst that was present got solved easily. Sometimes I need a book that is a simple romance and this was that book. It worked for me.

Fire hot sexy read.

Bare Knuckle - Katie Porter
First book this year that I loved the h more than the H . She is cute and sassy . Eric was okay . Passable hero material . The worked at being together . Their relationship started out as a one night stand , went steady for some time , slowly picked up speed and took on a high crescendo and ended with a nice finish . 
The was no unnecessary angst . Thanks to that . 
Now this book pushed at my reading limits since it has F/F smexting . 
The smexting between the h & H was burning hot and there was a lot of these giggity giggity stuff happening between them . It's was totally different kind of hotness read from my usual reads. 


A sad , difficult love story.

Unforgiven - Elizabeth Finn

This book was a sad story from the beginning to end. At one point I gave up hope for this couple to ever get together. I hoped they would. rebut I also hoped they would not. I was on the fence about loving the h . This is one of those books that made want to jump into the book and make it alright for these two. Alas , in did not know how to . The sorrow , love, conflict , guilt the H felt towards the h were so genuine . poor h , who could not make it right.


i would not re-read this book , since it makes me sad. A different , difficult love story. Glad i read this story.


i tried writing what I felt for this book without giving away the story. It's not exactly a spoiler but still , I left it out .

Confusing read.

Caught Running - Abigail Roux

Simple love story between 2 teachers.
I liked the main characters . But the story telling left me confused. The pov shifted abruptly between the 2 mc . Calling a person science teacher felt creepy to read. Ended abruptly. Felt like there could be book 2 , but if there is one , i wonder what more is there to write in book 2 other than a epilogue .
It's a 2 star read but gave an extra star for the likable MC. Roux & Urban  do write wonderfully H's.

Good book to start your mm read with.

Bear, Otter, and the Kid - T.J. Klune

I should have picked this book as my first mm book to read . I missed my chance. But i would recommend this book to others as a starter book. It sweet. funny , emotional, tad bit angsty . I liked all the characters. The story is okay , nothing catchy nor is it a page turner. The kid in the book makes this story more entertaining. He is over the top smart for a 9 year old. He talks like a 40 yr old, mature adult(off-putting at times). Even then i found him endearing.Not much is said in depth about Otter aka Oliver since this book is in Bear aka Derrick's pov. Its a novel about Bear's thoughts and his life.He coming to terms about loving otter and being gay.After all my negative thought above i myself wonder, What makes this book a 4 star for me? I think its the way it is written. Bear's thoughts are not boring. I finding it hard to put in words why i liked this book so much when i would have rated a similar story line a 1 star. I can only hazard a guess and say that this book is more of a Novel than a romance book.It also felt more like a lifetime movie .
So i went ahead and started reading book 2.

"It's true hard work never killed anybody, but I figure, why take the chance?
Safe With Me (With Me in Seattle, #5) - Kristen Proby I liked this book for the H & h more than the story. Caleb is a wonderful , kind H . He is the right amount of alpha possessive , not OTT . He is hot and the chemistry between the him and bry is scorching. Bry as a h delivers , she worked for me. I liked her. She was independent, but not stupid in an stubborn annoying way.It did not hurt that i liked the kids too. Josie and Maddie as 6 yrs were perfect addition to this couple.
Lucy in the Sky - Barbara Elsborg Overall an okay read
I liked Lucy . She is a tad bit stupid.Lets just call it impulsive and leave it at that. What i liked about here is that she is a chatterbox. Its fun to read what she talks and thinks . She is entertaining. The H is okay. He is the right amount of alpha , possessive and protective. I just wish this book had more to tell about the Mc's rather than the side characters. Hyll love story was not needed. It took away the spotlight for the H. Caleb the villain had a nice name which distracted me and i was not exactly scared of him.
The smex is hot . BE is a good story writer . Its never boring to read her books. if i ever re-read this book it will be for Lucy and the smex and that it is written by BE.
I thank my friend Stars to having rec'd this book, because i would not want to miss reading a BE book.
Armed & Dangerous - Abigail Roux Finally!! Ty and Zane are together
Cute!!!!! Most of these two alpha guys issues have been resolved. They love each other and are more comfortable with it. Julian and Cameron are good supporting additions in this book. The dialogues are sarcastic , funny . I had fun reading this book.
Stars & Stripes - Abigail Roux Focus is on Zane this time around
I have always loved Zane from book 1. But this is the turning point of the series where i fell in love with Ty. Ty stood up and protected Zane. He was the stronger here. We meet Zane's family and get to know more about his past.
Wethering The Storm (The Storm, #2) - Samantha Towle Unnecessary - Very long Epilogue
I love an epilogue, but not a long one which turns into a book. This is that epilogue book.
This book also has the usual formula which writers are suing a lot.
H is possessive and rich.Every other women in the world is in love with him. h is just okay. h pushes the boundaries , H shows his alphaness. Add in unnecessary angst.
Voila we have a popular book. This is that book.
Poor Little Rich Boy - Kate Sherwood Not exactly a romance book
Less M-M romantic interaction. Most of the story went into detail about how to make the stock prices go up and down or buy and sell them if you interested in bringing down a company. More technical job oriented details.
Keeping Promise Rock - Amy Lane An emotional story , with so much love.
Amy Lane knows how to make a reader get into the story and feel the characters emotions . This book started out with Carrick telling his story . I felt is venerability , pain , insecurity . His love for Deacon . I saw Deacon through Carrick eyes as this perfect person , who could do not wrong. Along the way i even hero worshipped Deacon , fell in love with this alpha ,silent Deacon.
And then i got to read Deacon story. This time around i got to see and feel his emotions and love towards Carrick. I also to to see Deacon for himself with his imperfections . I wondered who was the venerable guy here .Deacon who loved Carrick so much or Carrick who had always depended on Deacon.I now saw Carrick as a stronger person from Deacons story.
The story clearly showed how each character saw the one person they loved through their eyes with all their flaws and goodness.
Divide & Conquer - Abigail Roux, Madeleine Urban Got to know Ty's softer side
We got more deeper into knowing Ty and Zane. Ty got softer and more open. Ty bonded a little more deeper with Zane in this book.
Promises - Marie Sexton A good book.